Start a fundraising to get bless with a miracle baby
Start a fundraising to get bless with a miracle baby
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Lenetta Johnson is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
Hi! My name is Lenetta, When I was 25 years old when i was forced to make a rational decision to have my tubes tied not knowing I would be forced to live in pain and agony each and everyday do to have post tubal ligation syndrome. I have gone to many doctors seeking help for always being on my period and having horrible excruciating painful craps (killer cramps) and all they say is try this and try that doing so many tests. NOTHING HAS HELPED 😠I’m at my last resort and that is getting my tubal ligation reversed but that would mean I would have to pay for it myself because my insurance doesn’t cover tubal ligation reversal. I have called my insurance company to see if they could help me get my tubes reversed and back together and they say no even though it’s medical and medically proven that If you have post tubal ligation syndrome and having your tubes reversed put back together 90% of women go back to normal. But they do not cover so here i am trying to get help i so despreatly need to get back to normal so i can be a better. I am asking for $5.00 donation so I can have this procedure so i am able to have a miracle baby of my own. I have gotten pregnant in my tubes but the baby did not survive so I would like to have the proper procedure so I am not in danger and the baby won’t be in danger. I been praying on this for years to give my husband a baby he has no children so we would be g
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Lenetta Johnson is organizing this fundraiser.